ISO 14001: 2015
Environmental Management Software

Harness the power of Momentum QMS, your comprehensive solution for ISO 14001:2015 compliance.

Built on open-source technology, our platform empowers organizations to manage their environmental responsibilities efficiently. It fosters accountability and promotes continuous improvement. Dive in to seamlessly integrate and monitor your Environmental Management Systems.

ISO 14001 Software – No User License Fee
Built Using OpenSource Technology, Without Compromise.

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) equip organizations with tools and techniques to manage their environmental responsibilities effectively.

Momentum QMS aids in managing and reducing environmental impact by enabling employees to monitor, maintain, and easily report on environmental objectives and targets. Additionally, the system employs a risk-based approach to assess ecological events, guiding employees in planning, implementing, and monitoring corrective actions to ensure risks are adequately addressed.

ISO 14001: 2015 SectionRequirementMomentum QMS
4: Context of the organizationUnderstanding the context, the needs and any internal and external factors (Environmental or Non Environmental) that affect the Organisation. Determine the scope and continually building, adapting and improving the OH&S management system.Provides industry best practices and can be tuned to meet your organization’s unique needs and requirements. For example, Momentum QMS allows you to capture and monitor risks and opportunities (internal or external) that may impact the organization. The system promotes accountability, collaboration and involvement of personnel and stakeholders and yet is very simple to use and maintain. Furthermore, Momentum QMS is an integrated platform where processes can communicate with one another and the system can be used to map a holistic view of the entire Environmental Management System. Key takeaways: Flexibility and Adaptability  
5: LeadershipEmphasis on top management to engage fully with all aspects of the Environmental Management System..Documents such as the Environmental policy can be developed with consultation and participation of key personnel. Such documents can be distributed and communicated to the relevant people and acknowledgments and exams can be used to confirm their understanding. Objectives and Targets can be set with respect to aspects such as Air, Land and Water and accountability can be set to demonstrate commitment and leadership. Momentum QMS is a centralized software, however, the roles, responsibilities and accountability is de-centralized. This allows leadership to not only communicate, enforce and promote Quality principles but at the same time enable teams to work collaboratively to solve problems. Key takeaways: Centralized Software, Environmental Aspects and Objectives, Employee Training and Document Control  
6: PlanningRisk-based thinking and PlanningRisk assessments can be initiated at all critical decision points within the system. Risks can be captured from Hazard Identification, Environmental Aspects and Objectives, Environmental Incident reporting etc. Furthermore, use of Bow-Tie analysis allow for a holistic view of risks within the organization and allows for actions/controls to be implemented that can be tracked and monitored till completion. The effectiveness of such control can also be measured. Key takeaways: Risk Management, Objectives and Targets, Environmental Incidents, Actions Tracking and Monitoring  
7: SupportPeople, Place and Procedural aspects of the OH&S system + Organizational KnowledgeSystem can be set up to ensure all employees are competent in their tasks by capturing and automating organizational training and by integrating with the organizational Training matrix. Employees can be trained directly within the system or the system can even be used to capture external training. Organisational knowledge can be expanded through a number of existing processes as a result of lessons learned, this information can then be codified in the system in terms of business rules and thus adding to the existing organizational knowledge bank. Key takeaways: Document Control, Employee Training, Business Rules and processes  
8: OperationsOperational Control and Emergency PlanningOperational processes can be automated within the system so that all documentation is captured directly within the system. Environmental Hazards and Incidents can be reported, and controls can be implemented so that risks are reduced. External suppliers and contractors can be added to the system and their role and activities can be controlled through access/ authorization controls so that any activities being performed by them are controlled/monitored. Emergency preparedness plans can be developed and controlled within the system in consultation with key personnel and stakeholders. Emergency plans can be communicated and training conducted electronically to ensure employees are competent in handling emergency situations. Key takeaways: Integrated modules, Change Management, Project Management, Training and Document Control  
9: Performance evaluationCompliance, Internal Audits, and Management ReviewsThe Organization can document and monitor how it complies with specific legislative requirements and standards. Environmental Aspects can be monitored and schedules can be set up for its measurement, analysis, and performance. Such monitoring and measurements can be assigned to individuals for accountability and escalation purposes. Audits can be developed and captured directly in the system with actions and investigations assigned to appropriate people so that there is accountability within the team. The system ensures that audits are followed up by improvements that ensure the effectiveness of carrying out an audit. Meetings management allow the capture of management reviews and any actions are tracked in the system for future followup meetings. Key takeaways: Environmental Aspects Objectives and Targets, Audits, Meetings and Analytics  
10: ImprovementNon-Conformances and a commitment to continuous improvementWith standard modules for tracking Environmental Aspects, Incidents, Hazards, Issues, Non-Conformances and Corrective actions you can be assured that all manner of issues are properly reported, assessed, investigated and controlled. Reporting, Trending and Alerts form a key component of the continuous monitoring, measurement and improvement of the system. Key takeaways: Environmental Aspects, Hazards and Incidents, Non-Conformances, Corrective Actions, Analytics, Risk Management  

Training and Document Control
Efficient Management for Compliance and Employee Development

Training and Document Control are fundamental to any Quality System. Momentum's Training Management System logs employee training and tracks pending or upcoming sessions, which is crucial for maintaining compliance.

The Training module can operate independently or integrate with the Document Control module to monitor various competencies directly associated with an employee. Competencies can be assessed within the system or documented as part of on-site training courses.

Audits and Inspection Management
Enhancing Audit Oversight with Mobile-Ready Inspection Tools

Easily import your existing checklists into Momentum QMS, where you can capture custom responses, photographs, electronic signatures, and more. Raise findings and delegate actions to both team members and external users. Schedule audits while ensuring that previous audit findings are diligently monitored and resolved.

Risk Register
Efficiently Identify, Assess, Control, & Monitor Diverse Risks

Effortlessly import your current risk matrix and register to initiate your risk framework swiftly. Risks can stem from various sources, such as product issues, customer complaints, food safety/HACCP, hazards, incidents, and more. Evaluate risks using a fully customizable risk matrix, considering multiple dimensions like severity, likelihood, and detectability. Users can be provided with guidance information to make informed decisions. Delegate the implementation of controls to team members and monitor their progress until successful completion. Create alerts and monitors to reassess and ensure that no critical issues are overlooked regularly.

Hit the Ground Running
20+ Modules or Customize to Fit Your Needs

Modify one of our existing modules or build your own modules from scratch. Automating manual processes has never been easier. All modules come with industry best practices and they are all included with no restrictions. The hardest decision you have to make is decide which module to start with.

  • Aspects and Objectives
  • Audits
  • Calibration and Maintenance
  • Change Management
  • Corrective and Preventive Action
  • Customer Feedback
  • Delegation
  • Document Control
  • Health and Safety
  • Deviations
  • Job Safety
  • Master Data
  • Meeting Management
  • Non-conforming Material
  • Operations
  • Product Specification Management
  • Project Control
  • Receiving and Inspections
  • Risk Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Training and Learning Management

What Our Customers Say
See why clients around the world trust Momentum QMS to reduce costs and boost productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.

"The range of modules available is extensive. The existing modules and out-of-the-box functionality are easy to use and well designed. New modules can be created where required and existing modules adapted and customised to user needs."

Fiona M.
Quality Manager

"While many companies offer a software application to manage specific areas of a QMS I was looking for a "One Stop Shop" where I could manage all aspects of the quality system and utilize it to drive continuous improvement! Momentum QMS checked every box on the list (and then some)."

Ryan B.
Quality Manager

See why we are the most flexible and cost effective platform in the market today.